Inferior Imitator

ep·i·gone n. A second-rate imitator or follower, especially of an artist or a philosopher.

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

I have this complex where I hate it when people are mad at me. I have what Aunt Judy calls the "Ervin temper". It takes a lot to get us angry, and then we explode hard and fast and then we're over it, and you have no idea what hit you, because everything is completely back to normal, water under the bridge. I've only been truly angry with one person in the past year. So since I'm rarely angry with people, I just can't stand when people are angry with me. Especially Emily, who's got her own brand of the Ervin temper. Her fuse is somewhat shorter than the rest of ours, and I was really good at pressing her buttons. I don't even know why I'd press them, since I hated it when she was mad at me.

Writing this wedding speech is turning out harder than I thought. I've still got all these thoughts floating around, memories coming up, and thinking about my relationship with my sister (thus the entry), and they're not cohesing (there's a made-up word for you) for me. Maybe if I write down all the disparate parts, they'll come together somehow. Stop thinking, start writing?

Kristen made this one herself: I'm so proud!

homer simpson
You are Homer - doh! You might be a little lazy and self centered, but you have never been
afraid to indulge in all of life's pleasures and seek happiness in every moment you find
yourself in. Your carefree attitude has a positive effect on those around you, just try
to care a little bit if you ever find yourself working with nuclear waste.

which simpson are you?
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Kristen...did you really know I was Homer? This also makes me wonder: has anyone ever clicked my "Quotes of Wisdom" link?

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