Inferior Imitator

ep·i·gone n. A second-rate imitator or follower, especially of an artist or a philosopher.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

My office is on the second floor of a commercial building, and there is a pet supply store on the first floor right below us. They do animal rescue as well, so there are various cats and dogs in the store for people to adopt. In our lease, we have veto power over what goes in below us. For example, we would never want a restaurant below us, because the risk of fire is too great for our sensitive documents.

When this pet store went in, our only stipulation was that they keep the noise to a minimum. The owner agreed, saying whenever the dogs started to annoy us, to give her a call. This morning, the dogs had been barking for twenty minutes or so, and that was enough for us. I went up to the temp receptionist to ask her to call down and ask them to quiet the dogs down.

She gave me a little sympathy noise: "Awww" like I was asking her to ask them to beat them or something. I gave her a Look. "You gotta be kidding me" was the gist of it. "How do the quiet the dogs?" she asked. "I don't know, but they told us to call them." The '...and I don't care' was implied. I'm not heartless, but I also can't work with incessant barking.

2 Antiphon:

5:21 PM, February 22, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous

I know what you mean. I lvoe dogs, but incessant barking would drive me nuts. And you have work to do and a business to help run, just as they do.

All they have to do if give the dogs some attention and toys, surely. Food and water or medecine if the barking is due to hunger/thirst/illness.


2:31 AM, February 23, 2005, Blogger Ems

OMG my neighbors have this stupid, bug dog that they put in their basement hen they leave the house and it barks the ENTIRE time they are gone. and this is not some pip squeak dog it is a big dog.. I dont know WHY they have such a big dog when the yards are about the same size as the living room. I would feel sorry for it if I didnt have to listen to it all morning. Thank God, I have to go to work so I dont have to listen to it but Matthew has to try to sleep through it. And I coant just shut the basement door cuz Jackie's litter box is down there. Urg. All Matthew says is "You're the one who wants a dog." Yes, but I dont want THAT dog. Grrr.


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