Inferior Imitator

ep·i·gone n. A second-rate imitator or follower, especially of an artist or a philosopher.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Now that Blogger's working again, I can't remember what I wanted to post about...

...Oh, yes. I was listening to a discussion on Iowa's push to make psedoephedrines (drugs like Sudafen) a Schedule 5 controlled substance, because of its use in the production of methamphetamine. Schedule 5 means that the drug could only be sold at pharmacies. You wouldn't have to have a prescription, you would just have to ask for it from the pharmacist and have to show an ID and you could only get so much at a time.

The thing I found extremely interesting about this report is that they said cough syrup with codeine is also a Schedule 5 controlled substance. I could walk up to a pharmacist and get codeine without a prescription. I had to email Leah, because when she went to Seattle a while ago, she walked to Canada with her cousin, and while she was there, she bought cough syrup with codeine just because it was on the shelf. Kinda makes her journey moot, doesn't it?

1 Antiphon:

11:35 PM, March 11, 2005, Blogger Mindi Scott

Wow! Did she really walk from Seattle to Canada? That's over 100 miles! Heeee!

Did that sound like something you'd never heard before? ;-)


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