Inferior Imitator

ep·i·gone n. A second-rate imitator or follower, especially of an artist or a philosopher.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Mish-mash day, because I've been lax about blogging:

I smell like marshmallows. I bought St. Ives Swiss Vanilla moisturizer until I can find some Cetaphil, and now I smell like marshmallows.

I'm getting new contacts. Someone screwed up along the way, and they wouldn't tell me who. But they're making me a new pair and I don't have to pay any extra.

I'm a little miffed that I have to be out in the field this week of all weeks. I was dying to listen to the Roberts hearings, but I'm working in a concrete warehouse and can't get radio reception. Plus, no air conditioning. Yesterday was so humid, I had to come home and take a shower. The audit isn't going very well, either. This is only the second time they've ever had an audit, so it's at least going better than last year, but they still don't have their shit together and can't find things when we ask for them. We're for sure going to have to leave at the end of the week with a huge list of things for them to get to us, and that's just a recipe for disaster.

So I've been downloading the podcast summaries from NPR. That's pretty cool. I download, and then I can listen the next day, though the summaries are only an hour long. This iShuffle was the best present ever! Well, not ever, but it's up there.

Things with the tenant have been better since I called and asked her to turn it down. I'm thinking email wasn't the best communication method in that situation. :) I avoid conflict.

4 Antiphon:

11:21 PM, September 14, 2005, Blogger Chelsea

I am completely addicted to Podcasts. I even have a couple about Buffy along with the Science Friday, NPR and BBC stuff.

3:41 AM, September 15, 2005, Blogger Eileen

I've been wondering what Podcasts are. But not enough to actually, you know, go and find out!

1:39 PM, September 15, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous

I think podcasts are like radio broadcasts, Eileen, which you can download to your iPod. I think some schools are now introducing them as another learning method, considering most kids now have one.

And Amanda- I know what you mean about having to chase people for missing paperwork!

And finally, yay for a result with the tenant.

Mmmm, marshmallows. I have a tub of brownie bites, they are like little muffins, but half baked. Yum, yum.


1:36 PM, September 16, 2005, Blogger Technomage

The LAST thing you want to smell like is food to somebody on a diet! So if you catch me gnawing on your leg, don't take it personally. I almost ran off the road the other day, because I smelled steak on an open grill!


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