Inferior Imitator

ep·i·gone n. A second-rate imitator or follower, especially of an artist or a philosopher.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Pink: It´s my new obsession

Or rather, the obsession of Univerity of Iowa adjunct law lecturer Erin Buzuvis. Ms. Buzuvis is offendend. She's offended by pink locker rooms.

Yup, you heard me right. The gist of her argument, as I understand it, is that pink is associated with girls and homosexuals, and by decorating the visitor's football locker room in pink, it is equivalent to calling the opposing teams "sissies". Ms. Buzuvis finds that offensive, and is taking the issue before the NCAA.

In my opinion, by making such a fuss over a pink locker room, Ms. Buzuvis has done more to perpetuate this stereotype than to end it. How many women and gays even thought to be offended by the decorating scheme before she said anything? I know I wasn't.

Maybe people who actually remember what things were like before the sexual revolution can hold on to their prejudices about the color, but for the rest of us, especially the college students who will be occupying these rooms for a few hours six times a year, it's not that big a deal.

Just ask Steven Tyler.

5 Antiphon:

4:51 PM, September 28, 2005, Blogger Sarah Fiorentino

Hi, I just popped in from the blogspot main page. I was hooked by the "Inferior Imitator" line and found my way over. I think this blog is amazing... Hope you don't mind if I visit now and then...

1:24 AM, September 29, 2005, Blogger Ems

As I understand it... Grow up, lady. Pink is a relaxing color. By painting the locker room of the opposing team this color, it triggers a subconscious signal in the brain to send out a message of relaxtion. It is a subtle psychological technique used by many people all over the sports world to spas and salons to therapy rooms. As an obviously educated woman, you would think she would know that.

8:52 AM, September 29, 2005, Blogger Chelsea

Does she realize she is making it all worse by taking it as far as she has?

2:35 PM, September 29, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous


Some people. It's a colour, in a fricking locker room. If the users of the locker room complain, fair dos. Who's she to complain? Maybe they're paying her too much and she's not got enough work...

She's clearly got a bug up her butt and needs to spank her inner moppet [wink]


3:36 PM, September 29, 2005, Blogger Amanda

Saphfire...Always pleased to have new readers!


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