Inferior Imitator

ep·i·gone n. A second-rate imitator or follower, especially of an artist or a philosopher.

Monday, January 29, 2007

I spent several hours this weekend trying to remember the name of a book I had read as a pre-teen. Several hours, because as it turns out, it's really hard to google a book when you don't remember the title or the author. All I could remember was that a group of children had grown up on a space ship, and had been sent away from Earth and groomed by the Ship to form a new society on a new planet. I was never big into sci-fi when I was young, but this was one of the books I read over and over again.

For a while there, I was thinking I'd have to go back to the Wilton library to look it up (left side of the middle stack in the Young Adult section, third section, top shelf - how is it I remember these things but can't remember what someone told me 10 seconds ago?). But I finally found it, because they just started reprinting it this month, because she's coming out with a sequel. It's called Earthseed, by Pamela Sargent, and I'm dying to read it again, but I'll have to buy it, since the library here doesn't have it. Another one of my favorites was Perdita, by Isabelle Holland. This was the book that really got me hooked on mysteries, though Mom used to read me the Bobbsey twin books (my first chapter books!).

Of course, there were my own books that I read over and over again, mostly ones I got from Scholastic book orders at school. It was the most exciting time of the month to see those colored flyers appear on the teacher's desk and get to look through and see what was available this month. Sometime while I was away at college, my mom donated a lot of those books to the school, and I was so mad at her. Someday I'm going to figure out how to un-donate them.

4 Antiphon:

7:54 PM, January 29, 2007, Blogger Ems

I love that mom did book orders so we could see the flyers before everyone else did. And then when the books came in, if there was one I wanted to read, I just read someone elses book before she distributed the orders. You just had to be VERY careful not to break the binding. LOL.

1:15 PM, January 30, 2007, Blogger AngelaRae

I have a similar issue with remembering a beloved book from childhood. It had a hard-back red cover and was in my school library pre-grade 5. I remember that it had something to do with going back in time through a cellar door, and it was set either in Napanee or Nepean. I also remember that I loved it, but that's all I've got. It's frustrating.

You've inspired me to try to find it though, and also to re-read "The Bridge to Terabithia". Thank you!

3:10 PM, January 30, 2007, Blogger jenn

The Bobssey Twins books were my first chapter books too!

Cool beans.

1:06 AM, January 31, 2007, Blogger Meghan

Oh, I loved Earthseed! I new what you were talking about as soon as you started describing it. I think I need to read it again, as well.


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