Inferior Imitator

ep·i·gone n. A second-rate imitator or follower, especially of an artist or a philosopher.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

It's Alllliiiiiiivvvee!!!!!

Hopefully ya'll are using RSS feeds, because I don't know how otherwise I'll get my readership back.

We survived our first tax season on our seems like we filed a lot more extensions this year, but I suppose that just means more work for the off-season. I'm not sure how we're going to fill time (especially me) without audits. Not that I'm complaining - I've been trying to get out of doing audits for years - but I should be paid for doing something.

But I'm glad to be done and get back to having a life. It's just the life I'm going back to is a little bit different this time. My social life has kinda frittered away to nothing, and I need to build it back up. Or I need to take a look at what activities I'm involved in and decide which ones I really want to still be doing, and what new things I want to be involved in. There are so many things I want to do, but haven't either had or taken the time to do them. I've kinda started the process by giving up a board position, and checking out a knitting group. But there might be some difficult choices ahead, like how involved I want to continue being in Tae Kwon Do and figuring out how to give up television.

I have a lot of thinking to do, so there are a lot of (possibly) interesting posts coming to help me lay out the thinking process. So this is basically just a "Hi, I'm Here!" post. And welcome back to you, too!

10 Antiphon:

11:57 AM, April 23, 2009, Anonymous Annika

Hi! You're here! I have the RSS.

2:19 PM, April 23, 2009, Blogger Ems

Ive just been checking everyday for 3.5v months, lol. Not really.

4:53 PM, April 23, 2009, Blogger Laurie

Giving up TV? That's like giving up...oxygen, or something.

5:09 PM, April 23, 2009, Anonymous DropEdge

You're back!

Giving up TV? What Laurie said.

5:37 PM, April 23, 2009, Blogger allison

I don't have RSS, but I obsessively check every blog every day, so I found you. And "give up television"? These are strange new words to me, what do they mean??

7:52 AM, April 24, 2009, Blogger AngelaRae

I'm another one with RSS. Glad you made it through another tax season!

7:52 AM, April 24, 2009, Blogger Unknown

Give up TV?! Say it ain't so!

Also, welcome back. I don't usee RSS feeds, I'm just that stalky!

12:15 PM, April 26, 2009, Blogger Dogeared

There you are! Wondered where you'd been (even taking tax season into account).

I don't have RSS - but you're filed in my "check weekly" Blog folder, which is where I tend to put anyone who doesn't update at least once a week! That way, I only have to click down the list once a week or fortnight.

Hope you enjoy getting your social life back!

8:56 PM, April 26, 2009, Blogger Soupytwist


12:59 PM, April 27, 2009, Blogger Mindi Scott


I've been checking near-daily. Because that's how I roll.


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