Inferior Imitator

ep·i·gone n. A second-rate imitator or follower, especially of an artist or a philosopher.

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

State Fair

When I was younger, I was in 4-H. I wanted to join the Girl Scouts, but I think it cost more money or something, and Mom had been in 4-H, so 4-H I joined. I have to say I learned some useful skills, like running meetings and presentations and all that other business stuff, but I hated it at the time. I also really enjoyed the project I did for the fair. Not the goal-setting or documentation, but the actual learning how to sew, refinish, and baking. (I also learned the art of procrastination and coming up with goals and documentation after the project was done, so that was a useful skill, too.) I was a nervous presenter, too, so the interviews with judges at the county fair were pretty stressful, too. But the year I was chosen to send on a pair of pajamas I had designed myself to the State Fair was a very proud moment.

Now come to find out, all that rigmarole of county judging is superfluous. I can submit any old thing to the State Fair for judging. At the urging of one of the other knitters in my group at my LYS, I decided to enter one of my knitting projects. The only one I finished within the past year that I still have access to or hasn't been used is my Inga Hat, and I'm pretty excited to show it at the fair.

I'm actually going to go to the fair this year so I can see it on display. Plus, all that food on a stick. I'm trying one of those deep fried somethings this year, diet be damned.


10 Antiphon:

9:58 PM, July 01, 2009, Anonymous Annika

It seems like everyone I know is talking about entering stuff at the fair this year! (Really, it is just you and two other people, one local and one blog friend.) I don't think I have the nerve this year but maybe next year I will do it. Last year I couldn't help but notice that I can do at least as well as the winning items.

11:53 PM, July 01, 2009, Blogger Jenn

That hat is beautiful!

9:49 AM, July 02, 2009, Blogger AngelaRae

Ooo, beautiful!

1:16 PM, July 02, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous

Lovely, lovely hat.

And re: those things on a stick. The best thing I EVER had was a corndog at the Texas state fair. Stick food is awesome.

5:09 PM, July 02, 2009, Blogger Ems

Mom and I were talking about going too. I have to "Amen" the procrastinatin skills I learned in 4-H. Just knitting stuff, I think that gown is pretty impressive, if you want to borrow it. ;)

5:46 PM, July 02, 2009, Blogger Chelsea

I considered entering something this year, but I am not sure if I will even have the time to go much less make something to enter this year. Maybe next year. Now I want to make another Inga hat,so I have one that fits me better.

10:21 PM, July 03, 2009, Blogger Amanda

I forgot all about the christening gown! Though technically, I think it's not qualified because I finished it the year before.

9:23 AM, July 04, 2009, Blogger Ems

Yeah, cuz thet would KNOW that! Let me know if you change your mind. Mom has it in her cedar chest.

2:36 PM, July 04, 2009, Blogger Amanda

The registration deadline was July 1st, but thanks. :)

3:31 AM, July 18, 2009, Blogger Nicole

State Fair is during my move in day/welcome weekend, so let me know when you're down there and I can show you around campus some if it's Wednesday. I'm not sure what will be going on the rest of the weekend, but i'd probably be able to work something out.

If you're interested, that is.


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